Tag Archives: Canal

Station Quarter North, Southampton

Station Quarter North, Southampton

If you would like some background information on the contextual research which was done to help shape the project, take a look at this short film.


The film was put together by Wilson Massie of Balfour Beatty Living Places for the project client, Southampton City Council. – I’m not much of a screen presence, but the information and visuals are interesting !

Film Credit: Wilson Massie for Balfour Beatty Living Places and Southampton City Council

These were the brilliant guys on the ground who installed the Canal Shore works - Martin Miller & Jay Geary of Balfour Beatty. Image: Wilson Massie, Balfour Beatty Living Places
These were the brilliant guys on the ground who installed the Canal Shore works – Martin Miller & Jay Geary of Balfour Beatty. Image: Wilson Massie, Balfour Beatty Living Places