Tag Archives: Gorilla

Pan troglodytes, Pongo pygmaeus, and Gorilla gorilla


Pan troglodytes, Pongo pygmaeus and Gorilla gorilla 


Chimpanzees at the beach Rescue Centre & Cafe, Ramsgate Main Sands. Animal Thanet 2019. Image: Christopher Tipping


Chimpanzees at the beach Rescue Centre & Cafe, Ramsgate Main Sands. Animal Thanet 2019. Image: Christopher Tipping


Chimpanzees at the beach Rescue Centre & Cafe, Ramsgate Main Sands. Animal Thanet 2019. Image: Christopher Tipping


Chimpanzees at the beach Rescue Centre & Cafe, Ramsgate Main Sands. Animal Thanet 2019. Image: Christopher Tipping


Orangutan, George Street, Ramsgate. Animal Thanet 2019. Image: Christopher Tipping


Orangutan, George Street, Ramsgate. Animal Thanet 2019. Image: Christopher Tipping


Chimpanzees on George Street, Ramsgate. Animal Thanet 2019. Image: Christopher Tipping


Chimpanzees on George Street, Ramsgate. Animal Thanet 2019. Image: Christopher Tipping


Silverback Gorilla on George Street, Ramsgate. Animal Thanet 2019. Image: Christopher Tipping


Silverback Gorilla on George Street, Ramsgate. Animal Thanet 2019. Image: Christopher Tipping