2nd August 2014 Gloucester, Massachusetts Went whale watching today out of Gloucester, Massachusetts with the Cape Anne Whale Watch on the Hurricane II – and despite the rain and cold (very untypical weather), saw two Humpback Whales feeding. This is the second time I have been whale watching. The first time 14 years ago on my honeymoon I saw zero whales , so this is a great success by comparison. No photos of the whales however – it was raining hard and my mobile may have ended up in the ocean – so I erred on caution and simply experienced the scene as it happened in real time & not through a lens – an experience I would recommend! It may not make for the most riveting images of the day, but I can assure you I had a great day.
Actually on the wildlife front I had a great day all round ! – my tally for today is:
Eastern Chipmunk
Ruby Throated Humming Bird
Gray Squirrel
American Robin
Blue Jay
Northern Cardinal (Redbird)
Tufted Titmice
White Tailed Deer
Humpback Whale