A short walk around the site –

Friday 26th February 2016, Ashton-Under-Lyne 

OK – so Day 1 began with a project team meeting and then a walk around the site.

A few of the Tameside Macmillan Unit Project Team. Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Image by Project Artist Christopher Tipping
A few of the Tameside Macmillan Unit Project Team and Art Steering Group members. Left to right – Michael Hughes Project Architect IBI Group – Gareth Llewellyn Capital Projects Manager for the Trust – Sarah Lowiss Haematology Cancer Specialist Nurse – Vanessa Hickson Macmillan Clinical Nurse Specialist: Breast Care – Stewart Ramsden Patient User Representative. Tameside Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Image by Project Artist Christopher Tipping

All those mentioned above are standing outside the Ladysmith Building. Bronwen Gwillim of Willis Newson, was part of the group but not in the image –

The Ladysmith Building will be completely refurbished under the new Tameside Macmillan Unit proposals. The project is very exciting and the architects proposals will radically alter the interior and exterior spaces. A transformational experience for staff, service users and visitors alike.

Tameside Hospital, Ladysmith Building Courtyard awaiting refurbishment. Image: Christopher Tipping
Tameside Hospital, Ladysmith Building Courtyard awaiting refurbishment. Image: Christopher Tipping
Interior of the Ladysmith Building, Tameside Hospital, prior to refurbishment. Image: Christopher Tipping
Interior of the Ladysmith Building, Tameside Hospital, prior to refurbishment. Image: Christopher Tipping
The view from the entrance to the new Tameside Macmillan Unit. Image: Christopher Tipping
The view from the entrance to the new Tameside Macmillan Unit. Image: Christopher Tipping
The new Tameside Macmillan Unit will be housed in the single storey building on the far left of this image behind the Heras fencing. Image: Christopher Tipping
The new Tameside Macmillan Unit will be housed in the single storey building on the far left of this image behind the Heras fencing. Image: Christopher Tipping

The new Macmillan Unit will need to be visible and welcoming to compete with the large scale and massing of adjacent buildings along this hospital road.

Zen-like barrier planting at Tameside Hospital. Image: Christopher Tipping
Zen-like barrier planting at Tameside Hospital. Image: Christopher Tipping

I like the way that this barrier planting has been maintained & has created a Zen-like ambience than was probably intentioned !

The tall brick chimney on the Tameside Hospital site can be clearly seen from the top of Wild Bank. Image: Christopher Tipping
The tall brick chimney on the Tameside Hospital site can be clearly seen from the top of Wild Bank. Image: Christopher Tipping

As with most hospital sites, the developments have been ad-hoc, often within an original boundary, into which the hospital has expanded to fit ! A wide range of buildings, from early industrial and workhouse architecture is still evident amidst the larger scale of later 20th century developments. The hospital recently completed a massive PFI build which has brought the site into the 21st century.






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